My Favourite Pictures and Memories from October

Hello everyone!

Here’s another post that’s part of the ESG: My favourite picture of the month October swap on Swap-Bot.


This month has been very hectic due to events with my jewellery stall and projects for university. Luckily I have a few photos to share.


The first two photos are from rAge Expo, which is a gaming and geek convention. I had my jewellery stall there the whole weekend. It was awesome, but I got barely any sleep! These were my two cosplay looks for the weekend – the first being Megara the forest nymph (the tattoo on my arm – I will write a blog post about her sometime soon). The second was my Little Sister cosplay from Bioshock. I made the cosplay myself and I am so happy with it!




The next one is an adorable photo of my three rats sleeping in their hammock! From left to right, they are: Dovahkiin, Eddie and Merlin! They don’t often sleep in the same spot at the moment because it’s so hot, so I just had to capture this moment.



My university’s year end function theme was Rebels & Outlaws and a few people begged me to dress Goth so I did 🙂 Here I am with my research methodology lecturer Hawken and my Brand Challenge cheerleader (the lecturer that was assigned to my group for Brand Challenge to keep up our morale), Amelia. We made up a story that they were a couple and I was their lovechild because our outfits matched so perfectly!



And lastly, here’s my boyfriend and I on Halloween. We decided to go as vampires, because he hates dressing up and it was the least amount of effort xD



I hope you enjoyed hearing about my month!




My Favourite Pictures and Memories from June

Hello everyone!


I know I am not posting very often lately. I have been dealing with some health issues – I will write about it soon.

This post is part of a swap on Swap-Bot called ESG: My favourite picture of the month June.


At the beginning of June, we decided to adopt another rat, who we called Dovahkiin (aka Dovah). It took a while for Merlin and Eddie to accept him, but now they love each other. I took this photo when they finally moved in together.


I had a stall at a convention 24-26 June, and one of the other stalls was Lory Park Zoo, an animal sanctuary aimed at animal rehabilitation, breeding programs for endangered species and raising awareness of our wildlife. They brought this gorgeous tiny owl along called Star. He is 27 years old!


The next one is from our holiday last week. We spent the week in Clarens and decided to drive through Lesotho to go to the mountains. My boyfriend had never seen snow before so it was very exciting for him!


The last photo I’ll be sharing with you is another one from the Clarens trip. The day after the Lesotho roadtrip, the photographer I had arranged to shoot with arrived in Clarens and we did our first photoshoot. You may recognise the lovely lady on my left from my A Lovely Weekend In Clarens post. She was nice enough to let us stay at her house while we were there and of course we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do a shoot together! I love my new friend very dearly ❤


These were my favourite photos and memories from June! I hope you enjoyed them.



